Monday, October 26, 2009

cssc: Retrospect

When all the world stands still, thoughts could not come at a better time.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sidearm: Don't Cry Help Until You're Dead

This is a nice little rock album: "Follow Augustus he's going to be king" which is something I really didn't see coming at all. Of course I had to "Precede the map" with my ambitions knowing full well what it takes to stroll through the "Peach garden". I can also attest to the fact that many people are bitter about the sign in front of the parking lot that says "Jeremy's parking only" and they are wondering why they cannot have their share. But then again, Jeremy could be a "Victim junkie" for all we know and has his reasons for the sign. 

All in all you should check these guys out:

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Leftouts: Last One Standing

Hailing from Argentina, The Leftouts provide an album of rock songs that will make you think twice about whether you really just downloaded the album for free and whether it was really legal to do so. Fear not, because yes, it is free, and yes, you did just download that album. You should also check out the music video for "19 Years".

Friday, October 23, 2009

Bit Shifter: Information Chase

This album is jam packed with melodic goodness! And...and it's made up of Game Boy sounds, which adds a different flavor. I doubt anyone can get bored listening to this.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Paragon Black: Paragon Black

This album is a bit more positive than the previous one and manages to merge a variety of different styles, including hip hop and world music which give the album an ethereal atmosphere that transcends reality.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pnuematic: Subconscious Escape Routes

I've decided to concentrate on another genre for today, and I think it's best category is abstract hip-hop. Genre aside though the album is existential. " I walk along this path blind/ Trying to find/ These self inflicted wounds that are scattered across my life..." begin the rap lyrics of "Self-Destruct", the last track of the album. This is an album of finding oneself and an observation of one's surroundings without trying to solve or fix any of the problems. It's kind of depressing, but I dig it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Magnets: Magnets

A post rock album that I strongly recommend. Trust me, it'll stick to you....

Monday, October 19, 2009

Koordinate of Wonders: EP

There is a feeling of melancholy, as if  the album is an outlet for the release of  pent up emotions. Since each track carries its own weight, the momentum builds up and lasts throughout the album. It is strong, beautiful, and at the same time, fragile and sensitive.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Endlos: Das musste ja so kommen EP

Though I have no idea what the titles of the songs translate to, there is a fusion of musical styles (electronica, rock, jazz) that presents a curious vibe that is exotic and refreshing. Though this is just an excerpt of the full length, these songs are a good representation of what Endlos has to offer (be sure to check out the EP with live versions of their songs which is also released on one bit wonder).

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Heinemann521: Barge

Heinemann521 dishes out a wonderful album filled with emotion and heightened sensitivity. A delicate balance of ambience and percussion that resonates on a different level than other IDM and electronica albums, resulting in sounds that soothe the ear. The atmosphere leaves the listener feeling more optimistic about the days ahead.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Turnus: Valedictions EP

Sometimes taking the next step in life is difficult. We do not want to lose the comfort we have gained, the friends we have made, or the experiences that have shaped our lives. Sometimes, with a bit of luck we can look back on the past and reminisce without getting stuck; but the important part is to move forward, knowing that things will work out in the end.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fenderchet: The Sleep EP

I imagine everyone loves a good night's sleep: A sleep filled with dreams of a bright future where lives are lived out the way we want them. When we wake up, we seize the day in the hopes of making something out of it and taking a step towards our goals. You could argue that this album is like a good night's sleep, entering the dreamworld via a state of tranquility that one finds comfort in. The only problem is that this comfort may end too soon, causing us to rise out of bed before we really want to.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ben Woods: A Collection of Thoughts

Though it may be an obvious interpretation to consider each song as an individual thought, there is a level of sonic intimacy that is formed by the combination of piano and ambient soundscapes. The album's strength is in this intimacy with you as the listener, allowing you to collect your own thoughts.

You can download this release here: